Saturday, November 3, 2012

Smear Ads 2012: Who Will Stop Walter White VIDEO

With the 2012 Presidential election less than a week away, millions of Americans have been relentlessly inundated with smear ads from both campaigning candidates. President Barack Obama and GOP nominee Mitt Romney's camps have been mudslinging nonstop over the past few months, and will likely do so right up until Nov. 6. So what better way to fight off the onslaught of all those negative, frustrating smear ads? More smear ads, of course! As such, has come up with our own pop culture-based smear campaigns.

Today's smear campaign is against none other than Walter White on behalf of his most devastating victim. Sure, fans and critics alike adore Bryan Cranston's terrifying, brilliant villain on Breaking Bad, but at what cost? How many more record-breaking ratings must the beloved AMC series pull in and how many more awards will Cranston deservedly earn for his haunting, layered performance before another is harmed? Won't somebody think of the children?!

Sure, Walter White is fun to dress up as for Halloween and you might as well avoid the water coolers all together come summer 2013, but viewers can become as cold and calculating as Heisenberg himself if we don't let justice prevail in the war on well, not drugs exactly....


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